cisco.nxos.nxos_interfaces 模块 – 接口资源模块
此模块是 cisco.nxos 集合 (版本 9.2.1) 的一部分。
如果您使用的是 ansible
包,则可能已安装此集合。它不包含在 ansible-core
中。要检查它是否已安装,请运行 ansible-galaxy collection list
要安装它,请使用: ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.nxos
要在 playbook 中使用它,请指定: cisco.nxos.nxos_interfaces
cisco.nxos 1.0.0 中的新增功能
此模块管理 NX-OS 接口的接口属性。
参数 |
注释 |
接口选项的字典 |
接口描述。 |
接口链路状态。仅适用于以太网接口。 选项
接口的管理状态。将值设置为 选项
在 VLAN 配置模式下将 SVI 与 anycast 网关关联。仅适用于 SVI 接口。 选项
启用或禁用 SVI 上的 IP 转发功能。将值设置为 选项
管理接口的 Layer2 或 Layer3 状态。仅适用于以太网和端口通道接口。 选项
特定接口的 MTU。必须是 576 到 9216 之间的偶数。仅适用于以太网接口。 |
接口的全名,例如 Ethernet1/1、port-channel10。 |
接口链路速度。仅适用于以太网接口。 |
此选项仅与状态 *parsed* 一起使用。 此选项的值应是从 NX-OS 设备接收到的输出,通过执行命令 **show running-config | section ^interface** 获取。 状态 *parsed* 从 |
模块完成后的配置状态 状态 *rendered* 认为接口的系统默认模式为“Layer 3”,接口的系统默认状态为关闭。 状态 *purged* 否定任务中从 running-config 指定的虚拟接口。 选项
在 VIRL 上针对 NXOS 7.3.(0)D1(1) 测试
不支持 Cisco MDS
# Using merged
# Before state:
# -------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Ethernet1/1
# description testing
# interface mgmt0
# description mgmt interface
# ip address dhcp
# vrf member management
- name: Merge provided configuration with device configuration
- name: Ethernet1/1
description: Configured by Ansible
enabled: true
- name: Ethernet1/2
description: Configured by Ansible Network
enabled: false
state: merged
# Task Output
# -----------
# before:
# - description: testing
# name: Ethernet1/1
# - description: mgmt interface
# name: mgmt0
# commands:
# - interface Ethernet1/1
# - description Configured by Ansible
# - interface Ethernet1/2
# - description Configured by Ansible Network
# - shutdown
# after:
# - description: Configured by Ansible
# name: Ethernet1/1
# - description: Configured by Ansible Network
# enabled: false
# name: Ethernet1/2
# - description: mgmt interface
# name: mgmt0
# After state:
# ------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Ethernet1/1
# description Configured by Ansible
# interface Ethernet1/2
# description Configured by Ansible Network
# shutdown
# interface mgmt0
# description mgmt interface
# ip address dhcp
# vrf member management
# Using replaced
# Before state:
# -------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Ethernet1/1
# description Updated by Ansible
# interface Ethernet1/2
# description Configured by Ansible Network
# shutdown
# interface mgmt0
# description mgmt interface
# ip address dhcp
# vrf member management
- name: Replaces device configuration of listed interfaces with provided configuration
- name: Ethernet1/1
description: Configured by Ansible
enabled: true
mtu: 9000
- name: Ethernet1/2
description: Configured by Ansible Network
enabled: false
mode: layer2
state: replaced
# Task Output
# -----------
# before:
# - description: Updated by Ansible
# name: Ethernet1/1
# - description: Configured by Ansible Network
# enabled: false
# name: Ethernet1/2
# - description: mgmt interface
# name: mgmt0
# commands:
# - interface Ethernet1/1
# - mtu 1500
# - interface Ethernet1/2
# - description Updated by Ansible
# after:
# - description: Updated by Ansible
# name: Ethernet1/1
# - description: Updated by Ansible
# enabled: false
# name: Ethernet1/2
# - description: mgmt interface
# name: mgmt0
# After state:
# ------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Ethernet1/1
# description Updated by Ansible
# interface Ethernet1/2
# description Updated by Ansible
# shutdown
# interface mgmt0
# description mgmt interface
# ip address dhcp
# vrf member management
# Using overridden
# Before state:
# -------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Ethernet1/1
# description Updated by Ansible
# interface Ethernet1/2
# description Updated by Ansible
# shutdown
# interface mgmt0
# description mgmt interface
# ip address dhcp
# vrf member management
- name: Override device configuration of all interfaces with provided configuration
- name: Ethernet1/1
enabled: true
- name: Ethernet1/2
description: Configured by Ansible Network
enabled: false
- description: mgmt interface
name: mgmt0
state: overridden
# Task Output
# -----------
# before:
# - description: Updated by Ansible
# name: Ethernet1/1
# - description: Updated by Ansible
# enabled: false
# name: Ethernet1/2
# - description: mgmt interface
# name: mgmt0
# commands:
# - interface Ethernet1/1
# - no description
# - interface Ethernet1/2
# - description Configured by Ansible Network
# after:
# - name: Ethernet1/1
# - description: Configured by Ansible Network
# enabled: false
# name: Ethernet1/2
# - description: mgmt interface
# name: mgmt0
# After state:
# ------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Ethernet1/1
# interface Ethernet1/2
# description Configured by Ansible Network
# shutdown
# interface mgmt0
# description mgmt interface
# ip address dhcp
# vrf member management
# Using deleted
# Before state:
# -------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Ethernet1/1
# interface Ethernet1/2
# description Configured by Ansible Network
# shutdown
# interface mgmt0
# description mgmt interface
# ip address dhcp
# vrf member management
- name: Delete or return interface parameters to default settings
- name: Ethernet1/2
state: deleted
# Task Output
# -----------
# before:
# - name: Ethernet1/1
# - description: Configured by Ansible Network
# enabled: false
# name: Ethernet1/2
# - description: mgmt interface
# name: mgmt0
# commands:
# - interface Ethernet1/2
# - no description
# - no shutdown
# after:
# - name: Ethernet1/1
# - name: Ethernet1/2
# - description: mgmt interface
# name: mgmt0
# After state:
# ------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Ethernet1/1
# interface Ethernet1/2
# interface mgmt0
# description mgmt interface
# ip address dhcp
# vrf member management
# Using rendered
- name: Use rendered state to convert task input to device specific commands
- name: Ethernet1/1
description: outbound-intf
mode: layer3
speed: 100
- name: Ethernet1/2
mode: layer2
enabled: true
duplex: full
state: rendered
# Task Output
# -----------
# rendered:
# - "interface Ethernet1/1"
# - "description outbound-intf"
# - "speed 100"
# - "interface Ethernet1/2"
# - "switchport"
# - "duplex full"
# - "no shutdown"
# Using parsed
# parsed.cfg
# ------------
# interface Ethernet1/800
# description test-1
# speed 1000
# shutdown
# no switchport
# duplex half
# interface Ethernet1/801
# description test-2
# switchport
# no shutdown
# mtu 1800
- name: Use parsed state to convert externally supplied config to structured format
running_config: "{{ lookup('file', 'parsed.cfg') }}"
state: parsed
# Task output
# -----------
# parsed:
# - description: "test-1"
# duplex: "half"
# enabled: false
# mode: "layer3"
# name: "Ethernet1/800"
# speed: "1000"
# - description: "test-2"
# enabled: true
# mode: "layer2"
# mtu: "1800"
# name: "Ethernet1/801"
# Using gathered
# Before state:
# -------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Ethernet1/1
# description outbound-intf
# switchport
# no shutdown
# interface Ethernet1/2
# description intf-l3
# speed 1000
# interface Ethernet1/3
# interface Ethernet1/4
# interface Ethernet1/5
- name: Gather interfaces facts from the device using nxos_interfaces
state: gathered
# Task output
# -----------
# - name: Ethernet1/1
# description: outbound-intf
# mode: layer2
# enabled: True
# - name: Ethernet1/2
# description: intf-l3
# speed: "1000"
# Using purged
# Before state:
# -------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Vlan1
# interface Vlan42
# mtu 1800
# interface port-channel10
# interface port-channel11
# interface Ethernet1/1
# interface Ethernet1/2
# interface Ethernet1/2.100
# description sub-intf
- name: Purge virtual interfaces from running-config
- name: Vlan42
- name: port-channel10
- name: Ethernet1/2.100
state: purged
# Task output
# ------------
# before:
# - name: Vlan1
# - mtu: '1800'
# name: Vlan42
# - name: port-channel10
# - name: port-channel11
# - name: Ethernet1/1
# - name: Ethernet1/2
# - description: sub-intf
# name: Ethernet1/2.100
# commands:
# - no interface port-channel10
# - no interface Ethernet1/2.100
# - no interface Vlan42
# after:
# - name: Vlan1
# - name: port-channel11
# - name: Ethernet1/1
# - name: Ethernet1/2
# After state:
# -------------
# switch# show running-config | section interface
# interface Vlan1
# interface port-channel11
# interface Ethernet1/1
# interface Ethernet1/2
键 |
描述 |
模块完成后的配置作为结构化数据。 已返回:已更改时 示例: |
模块调用之前的配置作为结构化数据。 已返回:始终 示例: |
推送到远程设备的命令集。 已返回:始终 示例: |